Language Test Name Governing Body Minimum Level CEMS L2 Minimum Level CEMS L3
LanguageChinese (Mandarin) Test NameHSK (Chinese Proficiency Test - Written) HSKK (Chinese Speaking Test - Oral) Governing BodyBeijing Language Institute at Beijing Language and Culture University (BLCU) / Hanban Minimum Level CEMS L2Both HSK 4 & HSKK intermediate (earlier HSKK 4) required  Minimum Level CEMS L3Both HSK 3 & HSKK primary (earlier HSKK 3) required 
LanguageChinese (Mandarin) Test NameBusiness Chinese Test Governing BodyPeking University under the entrustment of Office of Chinese Language Council International (Hanban) Minimum Level CEMS L2BCT4 - 300-399  Minimum Level CEMS L3BCT4 - 300-399 
LanguageCroatian Test NameCroaticum Governing BodyUniversity of Zagreb Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageCzech Test NameExam CCE (general language) Governing BodyCharles University Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageCzech Test NameStátní jazyková zkouška základní z češtiny pro cizince (State examination in Czech for foreigners) Governing BodyThe Language School of the Capital City of Prague Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageDanish Test NamePrøve i Dansk Governing BodyMinisteriet for Børn og Undervisning Minimum Level CEMS L2Prøve i Dansk 2  Minimum Level CEMS L3Prøve i Dansk 2 
LanguageDanish Test NameStudieprøven Governing BodyMinisteriet for Børn og Undervisning Minimum Level CEMS L2C1  Minimum Level CEMS L3C1 
LanguageDutch Test NameCertificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal (CNaVT) B1 Governing BodyCentrum voor Taal- & Onderwijs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Minimum Level CEMS L2Maatschappelijk Formeel B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3Maatschappelijk Formeel B1 
LanguageDutch Test NameCertificaat Nederlands als Vreemde Taal (CNaVT) B2 Governing BodyCentrum voor Taal- & Onderwijs, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven Minimum Level CEMS L2Educatief Startbekwaam (STRT) - B2  Minimum Level CEMS L3Educatief Startbekwaam (STRT) - B2 
LanguageDutch Test NameStaatsexamen Nt2: Programma I (B1) Governing BodyCollege voor Toetsen en Examens (CvTE) Minimum Level CEMS L2Programma I (B1)  Minimum Level CEMS L3Programma I (B1) 
LanguageDutch Test NameStaatsexamen Nt2: Programma II (B2) Governing BodyCollege voor Toetsen en Examens (CvTE) Minimum Level CEMS L2Programma II (B2)  Minimum Level CEMS L3Programma II (B2) 
LanguageFinnish Test NameYKI (Finnish: Yleinen Kielitutkinto, English: National Certificate of Language Proficiency) Governing BodyUniversity of Jyväskylä and the National Board of Education Minimum Level CEMS L2YKI 3  Minimum Level CEMS L3YKI 3 
LanguageFrench Test NameTEF Canada Governing BodyChambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de région Paris Île-de-France - CCI Paris Île-de-France Minimum Level CEMS L2TEF Canada B1 at each of 4 skills (CE/CO/EE/EO)  Minimum Level CEMS L3TEF Canada B1 at each of 4 skills (CE/CO/EE/EO) 
LanguageFrench Test NameTEF Intégration, Résidence et Nationalité Governing BodyChambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de région Paris Île-de-France - CCI Paris Île-de-France Minimum Level CEMS L2TEF IRN B1 at each of 4 skills (CE/CO/EE/EO)   Minimum Level CEMS L3TEF IRN B1 at each of 4 skills (CE/CO/EE/EO)  
LanguageFrench Test NameTEF Québec (TEFAQ) Governing BodyChambre de Commerce et d’Industrie de région Paris Île-de-France - CCI Paris Île-de-France Minimum Level CEMS L2TEFAQ B1 at each of 4 skills (CE/CO/EE/EO)  Minimum Level CEMS L3TEFAQ B1 at each of 4 skills (CE/CO/EE/EO) 
LanguageFrench Test NameDiplôme de Français Professionnel (DFP) Affaires Governing BodyChambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de région Paris Île-de-France - CCI Paris Île-de-France Minimum Level CEMS L2DFP Affaires B1   Minimum Level CEMS L3DFP Affaires B1  
LanguageFrench Test NameDiplôme de Français Professionnel (DFP) Relations internationales Governing BodyChambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de région Paris Île-de-France - CCI Paris Île-de-France Minimum Level CEMS L2DFP Relations internationales B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3DFP Relations internationales B1 
LanguageFrench Test NameTest d'Evaluation de Français (TEF) Governing BodyChambre de Commerce et d'Industrie de région Paris Île-de-France - CCI Paris Île-de-France Minimum Level CEMS L2TEF B1 at each of 4 skills (CE/CO/EE/EO)  Minimum Level CEMS L3TEF B1 at each of 4 skills (CE/CO/EE/EO) 
LanguageFrench Test NameDiplôme Approfondi de Langue Française (DALF) Governing BodyFrance Éducation international (EFI) Minimum Level CEMS L2C1  Minimum Level CEMS L3C1 
LanguageFrench Test NameDiplôme d'Etudes en Langue Française (DELF) Governing BodyFrance Éducation international (EFI) Minimum Level CEMS L2DELF B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3DELF B1 
LanguageGerman Test NameUNIcert® Governing BodyAKS – Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren/Arbeitsstelle UNIcert® Dresden Minimum Level CEMS L2Stufe 1  Minimum Level CEMS L3Stufe 1 
LanguageGerman Test NameGoethe-Zertifikat Governing BodyGoethe-Institut Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageGerman Test NameDeutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) Governing BodyHochschulrektorenkonferenz Minimum Level CEMS L2DSH 1 result (57-66%) = B2  Minimum Level CEMS L3DSH 1 result (57-66%) = B2 
LanguageGerman Test NameDeutsches Sprachdiplom (DSD II) Governing BodyKultusministerkonferenz Stufe 2 Minimum Level CEMS L2DSD II = B2/C1  Minimum Level CEMS L3DSD II = B2/C1 
LanguageGerman Test NameÖSD Zertifikat Governing BodyOSD Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageGerman Test NamePrüfungsteil „Deutsch“ der Feststellungsprüfung an Studienkollegs Governing BodyStudienkollegs in Deutschland Minimum Level CEMS L2C1  Minimum Level CEMS L3C1 
LanguageGerman Test Nametelc Deutsch, telc Deutsch C1 Hochschule Governing Bodytelc GmbH Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageGerman Test NameTestDaF (Test Deutsch als Fremdsprache) Governing BodyTestDaF-Institut Minimum Level CEMS L2TDN3   Minimum Level CEMS L3TDN3  
LanguageGerman Test NameÖSD Zertifikat B1/B2 Governing BodyÖSD Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageGerman Test NameÖSD Zertifikat C2 / Wirtschaftssprache Deutsch Governing BodyÖSD Minimum Level CEMS L2C2  Minimum Level CEMS L3C2 
LanguageGreek Test NameCertificate of Attainment in Greek Governing BodyHellenic American Union Minimum Level CEMS L2Β1 Intermediate knowledge  Minimum Level CEMS L3Β1 Intermediate knowledge 
LanguageHungarian Test NameELTE ORIGO Egynyelvu vizsga Governing BodyELTE Idegennyelvi Tovabbkepzo kozpont Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageIrish Test NameTeastas Eorpach na Gaeilge (TEG) Governing BodyLárionad na Gaeilge, Maynooth University, Ireland Minimum Level CEMS L2Intermediate Level 1  Minimum Level CEMS L3Intermediate Level 1 
LanguageItalian Test NameCertificato di Conoscenza della Lingua Italiana (CELI) Governing BodyUniversità per Stranieri di Perugia Minimum Level CEMS L2CELI 2  Minimum Level CEMS L3CELI 2 
LanguageItalian Test NameCertificazione di Italiano come Lingua Straniera (CILS) Governing BodyUniversita per Stranieri di Siena Minimum Level CEMS L2CILS Uno  Minimum Level CEMS L3CILS Uno 
LanguageJapanese Test NameJapanese Language Proficiency Test Governing BodyJapan Foundation Minimum Level CEMS L2N3  Minimum Level CEMS L3N4 
LanguageKorean Test NameTOPIK (Test of Proficiency in Korean) Governing BodyNational Institute for International Education (NIIED) Minimum Level CEMS L2high intermediate (level 4)  Minimum Level CEMS L3high intermediate (level 4) 
LanguageLuxembourgish Test NameLaF : Lëtzebuergesch als Friemsprooch Governing BodyInstitut National des Langues (Luxembourg) Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageNorwegian Test NameNorskprøve Governing BodyKompetanse Norge (Norwegian Directorate for Higher Education and Skills) Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguagePolish Test NameState Certificate Examination in Polish as a foreign language Governing BodyState Commission for the Certification of Proficiency in Polish as a Foreign Language Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguagePortuguese Test NameCertificado de Proficiência em Língua Portuguesa para Estrangeiros (Celpe-Bras) Governing BodyMinistério da Educação (Brazil) Minimum Level CEMS L2Nível Intermediário (general Brazilian Portuguese)  Minimum Level CEMS L3Nível Intermediário (general Brazilian Portuguese) 
LanguagePortuguese Test NameCAPLE (Centro de Avaliação de Português Língua Estrangeira) Governing BodyUniversidade de Lisboa Minimum Level CEMS L2DEPLE - Diploma elementar de português língua estrangeira  Minimum Level CEMS L3DEPLE - Diploma elementar de português língua estrangeira 
LanguageRussian Test NameTest of Russian as Foreign Language (TORFL /TRKI) Governing BodySaint Petersburg University Minimum Level CEMS L2ТРКИ-I / B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3ТБУ / A2 
LanguageSpanish Test NameDiploma de Español Lengua Extranjera (DELE) Governing BodyInstituto Cervantes Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageSpanish Test NameSIELE Global Governing BodyInternational Service of Spanish Language Evaluation Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1 
LanguageSwedish Test NameSWEDEX Governing BodyFolkuniversitetet Minimum Level CEMS L2B1  Minimum Level CEMS L3B1